Thursday, September 20, 2018

Work-at-home Day

Today lots of workers stay home to work from there. It's a way to reduce traffic and to lower the CO2-exhaust.

My sister sometimes does it too. When she can't concentrate because of the numerous calls and the frequent entrances of people who want to chat (those obviously not having that much work) she picks up her things and comes home.

I filter the phonecalls then and of course nobody comes calling at the door.

Working at home can have many advantages. You can arrange your work as you want, as long as you put in the same hours as you do at the office. You can slip out to run an errand, for instance. Or you can bring the children to school and collect them afterwards.

Work at home is not for everyone, of course. Factory workers can't work at home. They're needed in the working space. But for all those who do administrative work, it's a blessing.

Chris' contacts at the ministry also often work from home. Their office phone goes through to the house phone. And you have access to the same files when you're home or not, now that everything is in the cloud.

What are your ideas on this?

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