Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pics from our trip to Jersey

We're back in Belgium - feeling a bit tired of hopping on/off trains. But we did have a very nice time in Jersey - and a lot better than at home, we heard! We saw the sun most of the days, while here in Belgium it kept raining and the summer is far away.

I've downloaded the pictures from the camera and I can post some of them, to give you an idea of how the islands looks like.

This is a view from Elizathe Castle, one of the defences of the island. This castle was built in the 16th century and was named after Queen Elizabeth I. It served mainly as a military stronghold. In the barracks you can see how an 18th century surgeon treated the wounded, or how the sergeant fires the guns.

These are the Jersey War Tunnels. They were dug out by the Germans (well, in fact by the POW's they brought there) and they served as military hospital in the first place. These tunnels run for more than a kilometer underground and you could sleep there, send messages, put up your gear (there is even a sailing sloop docked), be treated as a patient, ....

Here I am in St. Aubin. Behind me is the picturesque marina, one of the many on the island. What is strange, is that these yachts and fishing vessels lay on the sand when the tide is low.

And this is Samarès Manor. It has always been inhabited by a noble family, and you can visit the house and its gardens. These gardens are very lovely, so a visit there is really worth the entrance money. The present owner has a nice collection of old carriages which he restorates himself.

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