Saturday, November 26, 2016

Beauty and the Beast

Don't you agree that Beauty and the Beast is one of the most wonderful fairy tales ever told?

When I was a little girl and my grandma read this tale to me, my fantasy went in overtime. And of course, later on we could watch the animated film by Disney, with even later the musical version. I've seen them all.

And now there will be a film with Emma Watson as Belle, coming in 2017. I think the casting for this movie is great.

What drew me from the advance to this tale is the fact that Belle loves to read. I was just the same as a kid - an accident could happen right before my nose, but I wouldn't see it because I was deep into a story. I didn't like to play outside a lot. Sometimes I climbed into a tree and stayed there perched on a branch, reading away until the other kids decided to go home.

In the Beast's castle Belle discovers the library - a dream to everyone who loves books! Oh, I'm already looking forward to seeing this film!

I don't know if anyone still remembers the French version of this fairy tale? La Belle et La Bête - once a black-and-white film. I remember all of us (the other girls in my class) swooned when we watched this film. Not everyone had a TV set at that time, so my best friends were invited to our place to watch.

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