Sunday, November 25, 2018

Off to the ballet

Do you like ballet? I do, and so does my sister. We got the feeling for it when we befriended Hortense, who had a knitting shop in the town center. She had two daughters, who both loved dancing. The eldest became a show dancer in the Moulin Rouge in Paris, and Bernice became a prima ballerina. That's how it went: each time Bernice had a school performance, we got tickets for it and so we went to see a ballet very often!

In later years, the ardour dimished a bit, but we still love a beautiful ballet. The last one was Matthew Bourne's Cinderella in London. Later on today we are going to see Anna Karenine by the Eifman Ballet, in Antwerp. When we see a performance, we mostly go to Antwerp. Our grandmother was born there and we inherited a love for this town. As the inhabitants call it " 't Stadt". I can even speak the dialect when I'm among those who use it.

I'm sure it will be a great performance. We saw some trailers on YouTube and we didn't hesitate to buy our tickets!

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