Friday, April 26, 2019

Who (doesn't) love(s) chocolate?

I must confess, I have a weakness for chocolate. And I guess I'm not the only one! What's your favorite? Mine is dark chocolate, with or without hazelnuts. Yum!

Already as a baby I was thus inclined. I didn't like milk, but when grandma added chocolate to it, I drank it willingly. Her chocolate milk was the best in the world, I thought - and so did my friends, who gladly came to my house to enjoy this treat.

When I was about 14, I got infected with hepatitis after a trip to Romania. That was a big punishment for me, because I had to adhere to a strict diet, which included eating no chocolate (neither all the other things I loved...). That is when I learned to appreciate yoghurt and rice.

Just had a great period, that of Easter. Lots and lots of chocolate eggs available in the shops. I couldn't resists, I bought a big bag of them and each time we had coffee, we took a chocolate egg along with it. A pity this period passed and we'll have to wait until St. Martin (or St. Nicholas) in November-December before there comes another excuse to lose yourself in a little sin.

Of course I have to be careful with what I eat, can't raise my sugar levels in the blood too much, but I've noticed that a little (dark) chocolate doesn't do any harm. Good to know!

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