Friday, November 15, 2019

It's cold outside

Our weather is quite changeable. Last week, we still had lots of rain but the temperature was above normal. Now it has taken a turn. When I left the house this morning, it was rather cold - luckily I was wearing a good coat and my warm sjawl that I acquired in Leeds three weeks ago. Now it's actually too cold for the time of year!

I was very glad to be back (I only had to go to the baker's) in my warm house. I immediately made a cup of hot cacao which drove the last cold out of my bones. Btw, how do you make hot chocolate? We here use milk and very dark chocolate, the kind especially made for preparations. You have to use a knife to cut pieces of the block. I don't use extra sugar, because I like the taste of the dark chocolate. The milk should be brought short to boiling, and then the cacao is ready.

Sometimes we have hot cacao for breakfast, with slices of white bread, which we dip into the cacao. Hmm!

I really have a sweet tooth - I way prefer chocolate to chips and other stuff. What about you?

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