Sunday, December 11, 2022

Nearly Christmas

We are nearing the end of the year. How fast time flies by! Before we know it, it will be 2023 and then 2024.

At the moment it's pretty cold out here. We have a bout of freezing - something that hasn't happened for a couple of years at least. The temperature during the day barely reaches the zero Celsius and at night it goes below. I am wearing thermal underwear to keep warm. I don't have any fat anymore to derive warmth from, and that without a diet. I eat normally and even eat chips, sweets and chocolate without gaining one gram. At the hospital they say I shouldn't bother as long as my energy stays up level - which it does.

This afternoon there is a winter happening in the town center. It's named Walking Winter. They do the same thing in summer, too. The local shopkeepers and horeca exploitants organise to build stalls and sell all kind of delightful things. All the main shops are open as well. We'll make a walk and afterwards go dining at Barley's.

Next Tuesday then, we head to Heist to sign the  sales deed with the sollicitor. Then it's official the end of our stay at the coast. Christine will receive her money and give the keys to the new buyer. 

The end of the year we'll be spending in Italy and Switzerland. We head to Milan and Scuol. Milan is one of the Italian places we wanted to visit (and have had to postpone a couple of times) and Scuol is the beautitul village in Unterengadin (part of the province Graubünden) where we used to vacation with our parents. The hotel where we always used to stay is still there and that's where we are staying. Curious to see if the owner still recognizes us?

From then on, the year will be one big series of trips and city breaks. We go to Iceland, Egypt, Great Britain, Holland, Albania, Morocco, Singapore and Australia. And the year afterwards we make a big trip to South America and consequently a cruise to Antartica. Most likely we'll also head to Japan.

Our goal was always to visit all the continents of the earth. If we can do all we planned, we'll have reached that goal. North and South Pole, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. 

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