Sunday, January 27, 2019

Youth for Climate

Three Thursdays in a row, a lot of secondary school students have been skipping their lessons and been protesting for the climate in Brussels, just like in other European countries. First they were with 3500, then with 13000 and last time with 35000.

I think they'd better go to school. Obviously they don't realize that by skipping your lessons you run the risk of not getting your A-attest, allowing you to pass to the next year. And what does protesting help? The politicians won't really listen.

As individuals we can do little to reduce the CO2 exhaust. Those kids who now protest every Thursday, how do they come to school? Most of them by car! They'd better start there. Say no when your parents wants to take out the car, and use a bike or go by train. Also at home, you can start by reducing the number of showers you take - some people take twice a day. And don't let all the lights burn in those spaces where you aren't.

We learned as kids to mind our living environment. We were taught to put any trash where it belonged, we selected the waste and took it to the container park, used our legs and our bike to get to places - still do, by the way. It's been a long time ago we had a car. You find out you don't really need it. You can reach every place by using public transport. When you have to run errands, only bring what you can carry and go ofter to the shops - it's good for your health. I'm quite fit for my age.

Last thing, we don't really know about the climate. Yes, there are changes, but are they caused by human actions or by something else? Remember that in the thousands years before we went from tropical times to ice times. Several sort of animal, like the dino's, just disappeared. Who can tell if the same isn't happening now?

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