Friday, June 12, 2020

Had this great idea...

From an early age (I was about 7 years young) I began to scribble stories in notebooks. I was bored to death when in primary school, as I already could read and write, but because I was a good little girl (!) I didn't disturb the class by talking to the girl next to me, but kept myself busy by inventing adventures.

The older I got, the longer the stories, until the time when I wrote my first 'novel'. I was around 14 then. I remember sitting down on the carpet and writing at the low table in the living room. I could sit there for hours! That first novel was Maria Gonzalez, or rather what was to become this novel (published by Rogue Phoenix Press). In those years, I wrote a whole bunch of 'novels' and later put them somewhere in storage. 

Some time ago, when cleaning up, I found that stash of hidden stories. Browsing through them, I actually came to the conclusion that most of them were passable. My last 'work of art' in that period, was Julie, an adventure of a young woman in Napoleontic France. Inspired by numerous works of other authors, that's a fact, but I gave it my best to create my own fiction. The writing is perhaps a bit childlike, and here and there fact needs to be checked and scenes filled out, but all in all it's a grand story.

So when I don't have the inspiration to create a whole new story at the moment (I didn't write anything since being diagnosed with cancer) I suppose I could do this. Pick up the old story, and make a great book out of it. Will be fun to do!

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