Monday, May 31, 2021

Summer has finally arrived

 At last there's come an end to the long period of cold and rainy weather - felt more like autumn than anything else! Furthermore, this kind of weather turned you gloomy and pessimistic.

Now at last the sun has come out, and all of a sudden the temperatures went into the 20 degrees Celsius. What a relief! The past weekend was such a nice one - I'm sure the terraces will have been full and people were enjoying themselves.

We have not been enjoying the weather as we still needed to do some work in the house. When you're on a project of renovation, it takes all the free weekends there are. We fixed new doors - one in the former bedroom of our grandmother, which is now a store room annex toilet (nicely seperated) and also a new one in the bathroom. It's a sliding door there, so it takes up less space.

The weather forecast is positive for the rest of the week. On Friday we take the train to Heist, as we are going to spend next weekend at the coast. With nice weather, it's so more enjoyable. And also positive: the city has decided you don't have to wear a facemask in open spaces anymore! So now you can walk along the promenade or into the dunes without that stupid thing on your face! I've never seen the use of facemasks, as long as you keep away from other people, like we do - and have always done. We don't hug or kiss either. Never did in our family. So all these corona measures don't mean a lot to us. I can't remember ever taking my sister in my arms (would think that foolish). I'm not great in expressing feelings, but I don't mind it. I try to be polite and kind to other people, that's enough for me. 

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