Sunday, January 16, 2022

Lazy Sunday

I love Sundays. You can sleep somewhat longer (during the working week, we get up at 7 am, on Sunday at 8.30 am). Then an lazy breakfast (this morning: toastie with ham and egg) and having coffee while you catch up on your social media or read some chapters. Only afterwards a shower and getting ready for the day.

I filled the washing machine and now it's doing its job. Later on I can hang the washing upstairs in our attic room. We don't have a dryer, because of this big space where there is heating and ventilation, just as you like it. And no chance that a bird drops something on the clean linen!

A lovely smell is filling my nostrils. My sister is trying out a new cake recipe. A yoghurt cake with blueberries. Should be nice... Can't almost wait to taste!

Later on today, we'll have lunch and something nice for dinner. In the weekend Chris always has some more time to cook something that is special and may cost a little more. We never save on food. A big part of our budget goes to it. If we feel like eating lobster, we buy one. We eat steak and lamb without a look at the price. Most people only buy sausages or minced meat. That sells best in the supermarkets. We try to eat a variety. Meat (but not too much, fish, shell fish, vegetarian).

Tonight we're going to watch some tv. There's good program on TV1, Taboo, and later on we can watch Call the Midwife on BBC1. I love that program. It goes back to the times when my sister and I were little kids. But luckily we didn't live in a place like Poplar. There was a street in Dendermonde, that looked a lot like Poplar and from where some of the kids in my class came: de Oude Vest. As kids we didn't have all the modern luxury as well (it just didn't exist yet), but we could bathe in a big tub that was placed in the middle of the kitchen and filled with clean water for every bather (some of my classmates had to share their bathwater with their siblings). We had radio and already TV (black and white, a Loewe Opta). We could eat as much as we liked. We could travel and see places where most only dreamed of. We were happy kids, with loving parents and grandparents. Nothing to spoil our childhood, I guess we're blessed - and it really has a positive effect on the rest of your life. I'm still a happy person, glad with what I have and not envious of those who have more. 

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