Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New winter offense coming up

Right now the sun is shining after some minus zero temperatures last night. According to those who predict the weather, it'll stay like this until late afternoon, when clouds are blowing in - and they bring a lot of snow.

So I went to the shops earlier this morning and bought enough to last a couple of days. We still have lots of things in the freezer, so I needn't all that much - it fit nicely in my caddy. In case it becomes worse than expected, we can do without going out. (Well, don't, my poor sister has to face the elements when going to work.)

And I am very lucky to have a nice neighbor who cleans up the pavement before my house when the snow stops falling. Willy always does that, he also takes care of the house when we are not at home. That's the advantage of having lived in the same house, the same street all your life. You know the people who live there as well. Not so many left of the ones we knew when we were kids, though. By now we are the longest living here in our street. Almost 63 years in my case, and for my sister 58.

I like snow, but not here in Flanders. Here it just makes a mess. No, I prefer the snow in the ski areas. There it doesn't melt and they don't use salt on the roads.

What about you?

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