Sunday, April 19, 2020

5 weeks and counting

Today we've been in lockdown for five weeks already - with at least two more to go, until May 3rd. I suppose it's more or less the same in most other countries.

And I don't know about you, but I'm getting enough of it. I'm fine - in all my life, I never got a bout of flu - and would like to do what I'm used to do. Like going to the seaside, to breathe the fresh sea air and enjoy the sun on our roof terrace. And at least there is a fine restaurant (Bartholomeus) that delivers food to your home. I don't understand why owners of second homes are not allowed to go to them. The (falty) excuse they offer is that the hospitals can't cope with a lot of people who suffer from corona. But what in high summer, when the coast is full of tourists and day people, and a disaster would happen??? Can the hospital cope then??? As it every owner of a second home has corona.

And when will we allowed to travel? Another big question mark. These are indeed strange times!

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