Sunday, April 5, 2020

Stay at home - Blijf in uw kot!

This last part of the subject has become 'the' phrase in Belgium - our Minister of Health, Maggie De Block, said it a couple of weeks ago. 'Kot' is a dialect word for 'home', but it's used more often as nearly everyone in Belgium talks one dialect or another.

Stay inside as much as possible. Not easy now the weather has taken a turn for the better and it promises to be a week full of sunshine and high temperatures...

A person can only leave the house for a walk or bicycle ride in the neighborhood. So don't take the car and drive somewhere to go walking/cycling there. And you can't be more than 2 people together.
Inviting friends or family to you home is also forbidden. When you want to BBQ, you have to keep it inside the family who lives in the house.

Normally we would have been at our flat at the coast these days. But we can't go there, it's also forbidden. (Not that I see why - the politicians argue that the hospitals there aren't prepared to a big mass of persons - but what when a disaster happens in high season, when the coast is flooded with tourists?) I do hope we'll be allowed to travel to the coast by summer. I can't imagine having to spend two months of summer vacation at home in Dendermonde!

What we intend to do, is put our terrace table outside and have lunch or dinner in the open, as long as the weather co-operates. And make a cocktail, to create the feeling of vacation. My sister is a great cook, so what we'll prepare will be just as good as in a restaurant (the only difference being, she doesn't have to prepare it and do the dishes afterwards).

How are you spending your days in confinement?

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