Monday, December 13, 2021

Slowly getting into the Christmas mood

 Not long now before it's Christmas. The radio is playing Christmas songs all the time - btw, what's your favorite? I like hearing Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas" and also "It'll be lonely this Christmas" from Mud. 

Our house has been decorated with not one but two trees and of course our inherited Christmas crib has been given a nice spot. It creates a cozy atmosphere in the house.

We've cancelled the trip to France we wanted to do during the holidays. A good decision, as a couple of days later we learned that I wouldn't have been admitted to the country. As of December 15th, all those of 65 and more have to had had a booster shot. And mine is only for December 23rd. It would only be effective after two weeks.

So we are going to stay at home and live quietly. We'll be cooking ourselves on Christmas, and for New Year's Eve we've ordered a take-away dinner from a fine restaurant. Celebrating at home is the best option with the new Omikron variant which is spreading like wildfire. 

We only hope we can do some travelling in 2022. We have some plans, the first being a trip to the north of Norway (polar circle) to see the Northern Light. We'll have effective booster shots by then and up to now the entry conditions for Norway aren't too severe. 

I just wonder when corona will become nothing more than a virus that gives people a bad cold...

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