Monday, December 27, 2021

Two weeks of peace and quiet

 ... and sleeping somewhat longer! On workdays we get up around 7 am, but now we sleep until 8.30 am. Neither me or my sister are people who can't sleep well at night. Even though I'm 65, I get into bed and I sleep until I have to wake up. I always have an undisturbed sleep. Lots of older people don't sleep a lot at night, and are up at 5 am. I just can't grasp how that is possible. 

One and a half year to go, and then my sister will also be a pensioner. Then we can sleep as long as we like and do what we like. We're already making up plans how to renovate the house for the last time, once the flat is sold. Making plans is just so much fun!

These two weeks of school holidays will be quiet ones for us. Originally we had planned to make a trip through France. But we cancelled this as the situation got worse. Also, once you're over 65 you need to have had your booster jab. As mine was only planned for December 23rd, and only become effective two weeks later, the Christmas holidays was a no-go. 

Keep the fingers crossed, because we hope to go the north of Norway at the next school holiday (end of February-early March). Chris wants to see the Northern Light. We have bought new gear for that purpose. Warm boots, jacks and pants, thermal underwear. Ready for polar temperatures! And later on, we'll be able to use that gear to visit Canada in winter, or go to Switzerland walking in the snow. 

Chris gets her booster jab tomorrow and so we'll head for the coast on Wednesday. We'll stay until the end of the holidays. Not doing anything special, just what comes to mind. We ordered a take-away dinner for New Year's Eve (and spread that over two days, as it's always way too much to eat in one session). That's one of the effects of taking this much pills: I can't eat like I used to do anymore. Nowadays I have to be glad to be able to finish what's on my plate. No extra's for me!

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