Sunday, May 26, 2019

General elections

Today, general elections are being organized in Belgium. Everyone over 18 has to vote for (either) Flemish or Walloon government, for the federal government and lastly for Europe.

The past government was about the worst we ever had. And it took over a year to have it functioning. I wonder how long it's going to take this time!

Now, the general sentiment is that something needs to change. It will depend upon which party gets the majority to see what is going to happen. For instance, Green will want to put the accent on taxing those who pollute most. The socialists and their Walloon counterparts want to bring down the tax on electricity and gas from 21% to 6% as this clearly is not a luxury product. And they are going to change back the pension age to 65 instead of 67. Liberals want to make the factories and companies a bit richer, while NVA silently wants the independence of Flanders.

Yes, politics here in Belgium are quite something. And most people don't even care. It's that we are obliged to go voting, we can't just stay at home and do nothing (otherwise you'll get a fine).

Tomorrow will bring more insight.

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