Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The days in-between

Let's talk about the period between the end of the exams at school and the official start of the long summer break: July 1st. Kids and students don't have to go to school anymore because their teachers need to be in council about their results. The parents, however, are still working. Summer camps and other amusements only start in July. So what to do in-between?

Some parents find a solution in leaving already for a holiday, figuring it won't hurt if the kids are not in Belgium but somewhere else, as they don't have to be at school. And tour organisers make it the more easy by reducing their prices in this period.

Yes, that's true. Tickets for planes, trains - just name it - are higher when the school holidays start. When you can travel outside these periods, you are able to save a lot.

On the other side, it's not legal to take your kids on a trip before July 1st. Kids should attend school until June 30th - even when they don't have to be in class. In some cases, parents had to give back the support money they'd received for the education of their children.

It's a problem that occurs every year and is discussed a lot in the media. I wouldn't do it, nor did our parents. We only went for a trip when the school was truly out.

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