Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hair salon Nickie

Today it's the time once more: this afternoon I'll have to cut my sister's hair. Luckily she doesn't need a haircut every six weeks! What a girl must learn in her old age!

As I'm a linguist, hair cutting isn't really my thing. The only thing I've got going for myself is the fact that I can follow a straight line without help. My sister has an easy coupe. I just have to cut some centimeters off and see that the hair falls even all around. Easier said than done...

But up to now I've managed every time and she can leave the house with a decent hair cut on Monday.

In return, my sister cuts my hair. Since my cancer my hair is quite impossible to manage and I don't see the reason in spending 60 € or more in a hair salon, to come home with hair that doesn't look like anything. What Chris has done, is cut my hair very short, again and again, until it began to grow a bit more in sync. Now it's still short, but a decent short and it begins to look like a cut from a salon.

Are there others around here who cut their own hair? We don't do it to save money, though. In my sister's case it's because she has a very busy schedule at work and while there is a hair salon at one of the schools she works for, she doesn't like students messing with her hair (which is a sort of compliment to me, I suppose). And for me, it's the above mentioned.

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