Thursday, September 26, 2019

Here comes the rain

It's raining (well, to be exact: pouring) at the moment, and it has been like this since I awoke this morning. Yesterday and the days before it rained as well.

Now I know this is supposed to be good. We haven't had too much rain before and the soil needs it. The water reserves are very low because of two relatively dry years in sequence. So nature needs a lot of rain to help replenish those reserves.

But should this be so depressing??? Rain gets to me. I'm cold (even when the inside temperature is 21° Celsius) and the house looks so dark with all those clouds. You get a feeling as if it's never going to be sunny again.

Most likely there are people who love the rain, but I'm not! Rain means getting wet when you're having to run errands, as we don't have a car anymore. And often there's so much wind you can't even hold an umbrella. Rain means less open windows to air the house, as we always do in the morning, even when it's freezing.

What about you?

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