Thursday, March 19, 2020

Change in everyday life

My life's a bit different now that my sister is working from home.

Normally, she leaves home around 7.30 am, and then I've got the run of the house until 5 pm. I can read my newspaper in all peace and quiet, enjoy my cup of (strong) coffee, go to the shops in the morning for some errands. Then read for a while with a second cup of coffee and enjoy a bit of chocolate with it. Followed by doing some chores in the house, like filling the washing machine, doing some ironing or cleaning. In the afternoon some proofreading (have been doing this for a couple of years already) for Rogue Phoenix Press and more coffee.

Now I find I can't concentrate fully on the manuscript I'm going through. My sister can't stop giving comments on what she's doing and most of the times asks for my opinion.

Another thing is I can't go to the shops every day anymore. First, it's not advisable and next my sister wants some excercise as well. Today, she will do the shopping.

And I can't have my chocolate in the morning! Chris doesn't do it, and I can't have her known I've got a secret stash of chocolate bars... She's concerned for her blood sugar. I've found out that having a bit of chocolate every day doesn't do any harm for mine, because my blood sugar remains stable, with or without chocolate.

I hope the situation will go back to normal after some time. Good news from China, where the contamination seems to have stopped. Hopefully by the end of May, beginning of June we'll be able to a restaurant once more and are allowed to go to the coast or the Ardennes.

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