Friday, March 13, 2020

Warlike conditions

Yesterday evening (very late) our government decided to close down the whole country. Schools will be closed - as of Monday, my sister is going to work at home - just as all restaurants and cafés. All events are cancelled (sports, culture, ...). And shops will close during the weekend, except those that sell food.

You could see the effect already this morning. I had to go to the butcher's in town and it was full of customers - unseen before. They do have a lot of clientele, but not so many at a given moment. And all those before me needed a kilo of this, a kilo of that, ... So stupid. As if the shops won't have anything to sell tomorrow!

I don't know if these measures will really help. Parents can send their kids to school if they don't have anyone to care for them - there should be some teachers presents to look after them. And trains/trams/buses are still running. More than enough ways to get contaminated.

And Belgium is not the only country in this situation. The same goes for many other country in the EU.

Chris and I are just so happy we'd been to London last weekend to see Ball & Boe in the O2 Arena before everything got cancelled - and for the near future, we don't have anything planned. Just at the end of May - and hopefully, by that time, everything will be back to normal!

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