Thursday, March 26, 2020

What after corona?

At the moment, practically all of the world is in lockdown. And this will remain so for several more weeks. Everyone's adjusting to it - willingly or not. But what afterwards?

There is no plan for later yet. How will we return to normality? Will we open the schools first, and later on the restaurants, then the shops? And when will it be safe to travel by air once more?

Many questions, and nobody has an answer. I had already assumed we'd need to cancel our trips in May and July, but hoped we'd be able to do the ones in November and December. Now it seems possible we won't be able to travel before the summer of 2021!

In this case, we'll have saved up a whole lot of money (I must confess, we spend a tidy sum on travel throughout the year) and with it we'll be able to make a long trip during July and August 2021 - and best to some far away places.

As of yesterday, the racks in the supermarket were filled once more. There is even toilet paper to be found - just now that my (big) delivery has been dropped at our front door. I suppose we have toilet paper for some months to go... What I also experienced, is that it's better shopping in smaller supermarkets than the bigger ones. Less people and they seem to have more stock.

For the rest, my life during corona times is not so much different than the one I had before. The only difference is that my sister is constantly home - but then I'll have to get used to that when she takes her pension.

And how are you doing? Are you coping?

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