Friday, November 16, 2012

Horse whisperers and others

Certain people have a gift. That is a truth without any doubt.

How I come to this subject? I just finished re-reading Nicholas Evan's The Horse Whisperer. Such a wonderful book, full of romance, a feel of the wild and - horses.


I love horses. When I was younger, I used to ride a lot, even did some dressage. My favorite horse was Pallieter, a brown bay with a friendly character and absolutely trustworthy. When I entered the stables, he came to me, full of trust in me as well. We made long rides together, going through the wooden land in the neighborhood. He never got frightened (and we often came across young guys on motor cycles, or even cars which shouldn't have been there) and we always arrived back without him showing any sweat, even when we had galopped some.

Now I'll never pretend I'm a horse whisperer, but a horse is certainly not afraid of me. I can always reach out to them and stroke them on the nose.

But what I do have, is an attraction of sorts to children - and dogs! I can't pass a baby without it grinning to me. And whatever dog I pass, it wants to come to me - even dangerous dogs like Dobermanns. They press their snout against my hand and want to be stroked.

I remember Chris and I were at some airport in the States and our flight was delayed, so we sought a place to rest a bit. Next to us sat a mother with a child of around four. She began to talk to us, telling us her boy never said a lot, not even to her mother. Can you imagine how surprised she was when that little guy crept on my lap, asking me for a story?

It would be interesting to learn if there are other people with such abilities. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts!

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