Thursday, August 24, 2017

August decides to end on a better note

This month of August will probably to noted down as one of the worst in history. Up to yesterday, it was miserable: temperatures which were too cold for the time of year, lots of clouds, often rain. You'd get depressed by it.

But at long last, a turn in the weather came. As of yesterday we see the sun once more and it promises to remain fine for at least a week or so.

Nice for the kids who are still into their school vacation, but not so nice for all those who already returned to work! My sister is among those unlucky. I can go outside as much as I please however, or just sit on my terrace enjoying the sunshine while reading a book. It's ever so nice not having to work anymore!

I wonder what the rest of the year will bring? More sunshine in September and even October? Or will we get a severe winter?

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