Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keep up the spirit!

In honor of the World Cup – here are some soccer jokes to keep your spirits up (even if your team is down).

(Definition: Soccer is a game consisting of 22 skilled players, one impartial referee, two eagle eyed referee’s assistants and one stupid ball.)

Q: Why did Cinderella get kicked off the soccer team?
: Because she ran away from the ball!

Q: Why do soccer players do so well in math?
A: They know how to use their heads.

Q: What’s harder to catch the faster you run?
: Your breath!

Q: Why should you not play sports in the jungle?
: There are too many cheetahs!

Q: Why did the soccer ball quit the team?
A: She was tired of being kicked around.

Q: What lights up a soccer stadium?
A: A soccer match.

Q: How did the field get all wet?
A: The players dribbled all over it.

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