Monday, May 18, 2015

Trip to La Rochelle, France

Those who read my blog will know the reason for my not writing for a couple of days... Indeed, I've been on another trip. This time my sister and I went to France. Except for a one-day trip to Paris (with our vicar) and the school trip to Lille, I have not been to France. Even though it's so near Belgium!

But that language... However, we found out you really don't need to speak French when being in France. As soon as people hear you speak another language, they address you in English. So we managed pretty well, more because we do understand French well enough but have no practice in speaking.

We went to La Rochelle by train. First with Thalyss to Paris, then with a TGV to La Rochelle. We stayed in hotel Mercure, conviently close to the raillway station and also not too far away from the town center.

La Rochelle is a cosy place. The three towers are the first landmarks you can spot: Tour Saint-Nicholas, Tour de la Chaine and Tour La Lanterne. This one used to be a lighthouse during the Middle Ages and is the oldest remaining more or less intact.

The Atlantic Ocean is present everywhere and you can smell it as soon as you leave the train. Of course there is an abundance of seafood to be had, and we could enjoy all those good things from the sea during our stay. Oysters, shellfish, mussels, crab, just name it.

We also took the opportunity to visit the island of RĂ© during our stay. A three-kilometer-long bridge connects the island with the mainland, and you can reach it by bike, bus or car. Or if you prefer, you can take a ferry. We rented bikes and tried to discover as much of the island as one days allows.

I'll be posting some pics from our trip once they are downloaded. I've been pretty busy today, so haven't come to it yet.

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