Friday, April 11, 2014

Tinkering away

We're in the middle of the Easter holidays, and traditionally we do some chores in the house this time of year.

Remember I told you time ago about the shelves nearly falling on our heads? Well, we did some repair during the previous holiday but now we have more time to find a more lasting solution.

So this afternoon we tinkered away. My sister sawed planks to the right size and I helped to screw them into the wall.We created a dressing of which NOTHING will drop on our head anymore. Every hook and cranny is solid and won't loosen. Problem are the walls in our bedroom. Three of them are not solid enough to carry weight. The only good wall is the outer wall and now we have made a dressing the whole lenght of this wall. there is enough space for the beds and we can stow away an awful lot.

We do plan on living here once we are pensioned, so we need enough room to put away all our things.

They predict morre nice weather for tomorrow, so we will make a beach walk for a change.

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