Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Big breasts? Then it's a girl!

Sometimes you can read curious things in your daily newspaper. Today there was an article about American biologist Jena Pincott , who has written the book Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies.

In this volume she bundles several surprising things about a pregnancy – no fairy tales, but scientific facts.
* Frail women get more daughters

Several studies prove that women who take in more calories, more than often get a son. The reason? Female embryo’s are stronger than male ones, and can survive in less ideal circumstances. Jena points out though, that it has no sense to hunger yourself to have a girl. It would harm the foetus.

* Breasts tell the gender of your baby
The form of your belly – watermelon or rugby ball – does NOT tell your baby’s gender. But the size of your breasts can. Women who are expecting a girl have bigger breasts during pregnancy than women who are expecting a boy. When the baby is a girl, the breasts have an average swelling of 8 centimeters. For a boy it would be around 6 centimeters.

* A lot of sex diminishes miscarriage
A good old tumble protects a pregnant woman better than anything else against pregnancy poisoning. When having sex, the man’s proteins and hormones are spent. When the female body recognizes these, there is no problem (which happens when you often have sex with your partner). If not, there is a chance of poisoning.

* Eat a lot of chocolate if you want a sweet kid
A study in Finland proves how women who regularly eat dark chocolate during their pregnancy get babies who are happy and don’t cry a lot. They are also more active and laugh frequently. According to Jena Pincott this is because the mothers were happy because of the sweets. Another fact: one piece of chocolate a day lessens the risk of high blood pressure.

* Nightmares get you a fast delivery
Those who dream lively get their babies faster. Dreamers take approximately one hour less to set their baby into the world.  Women who have nightmares get them even faster. Dreams and nightmares help women to absorb certain frights, conflicts and new information. They are psychologically better prepared for their baby’s arrival.

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