Thursday, December 27, 2012

Novels by Susanna Kearsley

A couple of years ago, while being in London, I picked up a copy of Susanna Kearsley's first novel, Mariana. I did not know anything about the author, only bought the book because the blurb on the backcover appealed to me.

And yes, the novel was a great read. Mariana is about a modern day woman who goes to live in a 17th century house and meets a ghost - that of a Cavalier in the Civil War. Needless to say a nice love story develops...

More recently, while browsing the Amazon shop for other good reads, I happened upon the novels of Susanna Kearsley once more and decided to buy a couple of them. I've got The Shadowy Horses, Every Secret Thing and The Rose Garden.

Every of these books is just lovely to read. If you are interested in history, want a good romantic story and some mystery and don't care about time-travel, then you must certainly read them too.

The Shadowy Horses is the story of archeological research about the lost Seventh Legion. A friend of the heroine is sure he has located the remains of this lost legion. Despite their searches, they don't find anything, unless the son of the housekeeper tells of his meetings with an real legionair!

Every Secret Thing is about the Canadian secret service during World War II.  A young woman sets out to find the buried secrets, to find out also her life is in danger.

The Rose Garden finally is about the Jacobite rebellion in 1715. Eva returns to the place where she was happy as a child and wants to help her friends out of financial problems. They want to make their home available to the public, and a ghost would help! But then Eva meets real ones... and one of them is a very cute guy.

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