Saturday, May 18, 2013


Perhaps some people (those who don't read) won't know what TBR means. It's short for: To Be Read - i.e. the heap of books you've bought but still haven't read.

As I do love to buy books (never could resist it, it's a sort of addiction) I always have lots of books on my Kindle which I haven't read yet. And each week the list grows longer...

I'm a avid reader, so I read on the train to work (or the bus now), I read whenever I have to wait for an appointment (at the doctor's, at the dentist's) and I read after I've finished with work and in the weekends. Still I can't keep up with all those new books I gathered. I buy a couple of ebooks per month, and each time I get a mail from Amazon I am tempted to buy even more.

Do you also have this problem? How do you go about it? I mostly read books in series. By author, that is. Right now I'm almost finished with the DCI Banks novels by Peter Robinson. Only have to read the latest one, published this year. I also alternate with another series, The Legendary Warrior series by Karen Kay. So a thriller followed by a romantic story. Once done with those two, I'll go to another author. Bit by bit I manage to read those new acquisitions this way.

But it can happen that I buy a book which never gets read... does this also happen to you? And why? With me, it's mostly because I come to the conclusion that the book doesn't suit my taste in reading at the moment - and after a while I forget about it and only find back the book years later. And then it even appeals less to me!

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