Thursday, April 18, 2013

My favorite soap: Thuis (Home)

Some people claim soaps are just for the average person. Not so! Even people with a higher intelligence can love a well-acted soap with fine story lines.

Like myself and my sister. We have been watching Thuis since the first day it was broadcasted, and ever if we are away on a trip, we take care to record the episode we'd miss.

                                                                Frank and Simonne

Thuis has been running since 1995 on (now) VRT, the national television for Flanders. It's broadcasted each day from Monday to Friday, and runs from September to the end of May. It has always been in the top three of the viewing figures, too. Sometimes it gets over one million viewers per episode, which is a lot for a small country such as ours.

                                                        Jenny and her sister Rosa

It would bring me too far to relate all the story lines, so let's just stick to the most important ones. Thuis started out with two main families: that of Frank, the plumber, and his wife Jenny and daughter Bianca. And the one of the village doctor, his wife Marianne and their children Ann and Tom.

Now, so many years later, the doctor is dead and Frank is divorced from Jenny, and married to his second wife Simonne. Marianne has been married to another doctor, but is getting through a divorce right now.

                                                        Marianne, the doctor's wife

What caused Frank's divorce was that he had an affair with Jenny's sister, and had also a daughter with Rosa, named Peggy... Strange enough, Bianca and Peggy get along fine.

This season the main focus is on Bram and Jana. Bram is a twenty-ish youngster, who falls in love with the daughter of his best friends's husband. Yes, they are not afraid to tackle difficult themes, like homosexuality or abortion in this soap. Frankie is the son of Frank and Simonne and he outed himself as a gay and married nurse Tibo. Tibo is the father of Jana.

Jana is expecting a baby, and both she and Bram look forward to the birth. But Frank and his plumber mates are into cheap deals, and a faulty boiler is being installated in the boarding house where Bram lives. One morning Jana wants to take a shower, and she is overwhelmed by CO-2 fumes. She's taken into hospital, but the doctors can't save the life of the baby. This episode brought even more viewers to the soap, as everyone feels sorry for Bram and Jana. And Frank, well, he's heartbroken. He never intented to hurt people, just earn some easy money. And he's not quite to blame. He wanted to stop with the faulty merchandise but his brother Luc (always the bad guy) ordered Eddy to place that boiler in the Zus en Zo.

It's going towards the end of this year's run and I'm wondering what the season's episode will be like. I always like to guess the storylines (and often think I could make some valuable suggestions). Will Luc be punished at last? And will Bram and Jana survive this tragedy?

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