Sunday, February 24, 2013

What's in your handbag?

A good question, as you never know what might turn up! Most women use their handbag as a sort of container to bring along anything they'd need.

Now my own handbag is rather an exception. There is really not much in it: my wallet with creditcards, bankcard, a bit of loose change; my identity papers, a handkerchief, a comb, my keys to the house and those of my classrooms, a pen to fill in my Keycard for the train, a Keycard, a calendar. That's about it. Oh yes, and when travelling by train I also add my Kindle. No makeup stuff, not even a lipstick. No mirror. I don't really care how I look, because I never leave the house looking as if just coming out of my bed. But I don't see the need for lipstick or fond de teint or whatever. I've been without makeup for over 50 years and I still don't have too many wrinkles and a very soft and supple skin.

But some of my friends keep lots of other stuff in their bags. There is one who keep toys for her grandchildren in it, and another one always has loads of candy to pick from.

The things you keep in your bag are supposed to tell something about your character. From the contents of mine, I should say I'm a pretty organized person, someone who doesn't need lots of trinkets. A no-nonsense person, someone who accepts life as it is.

So ladies, empty your bags and tell me what's in yours?

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