Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Clean bill of health

This afternoon, I got the results of my six-monthly check-up at the doctor's. And hurray, everything is fine! All levels (of blood, sugar, cholesterol) are lower than the previous check-up - which means I must be doing well.

Now I just have to keep up sticking to my daily routine of breakfast (not always bread, and not too much sugary stuff), soup for lunch, and diner including lots of vegetables.

And yes, I do admit I eat a piece of (dark) chocolate every now and then (I just can't do without chocolate!) and sometimes indulge in having pancakes or icecream. My doctor claims it's a good thing; you can't deny yourself everything.

I've developed a liking for vegetarian as well, and look forward to these days when we eat veggie. We already have a big variety of recipes. I find that, after having had a vegetarian meal, I don't often feel hungry anymore. When I eat fish or meat with vegetables, it happens I get a littly hungry only hours after I've eaten.

Up to the next 10-20-30- .... years? (I wouldn't mind becoming one hundred, if my mind remains sane.)

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