Sunday, June 19, 2016

Where have our summers gone?

When I was a little kid, summers were guaranteed to have sunny weather and nice temperatures. You could leave off your socks once it was May and walk in sandals or just barefoot. You did not need a warm coat, only a light vest occasionally. And you could go swimming in the big pond not far away (which was still allowed in those times). You just put on a bathing suit, hopped out of your house and jumped into the water. Summer fun for everyone.

But the last 10 years... I believe the really good summer dates back to 2003. (I should look it up, I keep a weather oversight from all summers past.) Last year it was nothing much, only the days spent in the south of France and Rome were great (temperatures in the high 30's, sometimes even 40°C). The year before, just the same.

And now... It has been rainy and even cold. Our heating turns on every now and then, having our thermpstate set on 20°C. Sometimes the temperature drops below. And it's June! When I look out of the window, the skies are grey and it looks like rain once more.

It's so depressing! And the forecasts are not good. More of the same the coming days.

How's the weather where you live?

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