Monday, February 29, 2016

Unpredictable seasons

It's the end of February. In March spring will be there - but it doesn't feel like it.

Alas, it's colder now than it was in December or January. We got night frost and during the day a cold wind is blowing, which makes it even colder.

Is it becoming older, but I remember my childhood seasons as real ones. In summer there was a lot of sunshine and temperatures were up. Then the leaves turned all colors and it became autumn. In winter it froze and there was enough snow to play in. And in spring the first flowers appeared and all became green once more.

But now? Sometimes it's colder in summer than it is in winter. Or we have high summer in March. Or we sit on a terrace sipping cold drinks at the end of November.

Our weather has turned crazy and unpredictable. I don't know if it's global heating that is responsible, or just a change like the ones in the past, when we had Ice Age and such. I'll probably never know the answer...

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