Thursday, September 22, 2016

Car-free day

Today the car is banned (or at least, that's the objective) from many a city and road.

However, not so many people can do without their car! An example: a good friend of mine would use his car to go and buy bread. You should know this bakery is about 100 meter from his house!

Also lots of people still go to work by car. The roads to Brussels are full of cars in the mornings and evenings, and causes big delays.

Now I don't know what's so special about cars. I had one, I admit. But I never had a lot of fun driving it. I sold it about 20 years ago because I was afraid I'd run down somebody or hit anything. Too many people drive irresponsably.

We have been completely without a car since my sister equally sold hers now 7 years ago. And we don't miss it a day!

If you live in a city (or near to one) you don't really need a car. You can run your errands on foot or by bicycle using cycle bags. And a trolley helps a lot when you're on foot. It's good for your body, too. You walk a lot and you do a workout when shopping.

When you need to go anywhere, you'll find there is mostly a good public service, either by train, bus or tram. It gets you where you want to be, in even less time than by car. We used to drive our car to the coast. Most times it took about 2 hours for 90 km, because there were always problems underway. By train it only take 1 hour and 40 minutes, and then you have to wait some time in Ghent for your connection to Knokke!

So for me they could just as well ban the car altogether! Keep only vans and taxis on the roads. Everyone who goes to work should do it by public transport. And when you choose to live in a rural area, then you'd best buy a bike to get to the nearest station... but that's your choice, of course. You can also go and live in a town center.

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